Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Welcome to Quarter Acre Farm

Welcome to my first day as a home- farm blogger.   Today I went out to my new plantings and much to my dismay I found the signs of slugs. So, I went onto the Internet and found several good ideas on how to stop them from eating my hard work. Here are the results: broken up egg shells sprinkled around your plants, straw (as you can see in my photo) or saw dust spread around you plants, used orange rinds to attract them, copper strips, or nematodes or something like that.

I wasn't interested in piling the kids in and out of the car this morning so, I went for what I had. Straw we had for the chicken coop, and the kids and I had some fun making fresh squeezed oranges juice to make the orange rinds.  I am hoping that my work pays off in some broccoli, unlike last year, dang slugs!  I have many more plants getting closer going outside.  I had better get the slug problem under control.  I hope you enjoy the other pictures I have posted of our colourful Quarter Acre Farm.

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